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A Report By-

                                                                                                                             SANDIP MITRA




2020 is such a year, when we will get a Cancer affected patient in every family of India, if the percentage of cancer patient increase in the present rate.


Yes, this news has come from the Scientists, who are doing research on cancer. But people are not so much concerned about the matter. In fact most of the people are unknown about the same. According to the experts cancer is difficult to cure, but it can be prevented.
At the present time Government got some sort of success to make people aware about AIDS, through education, advertisement and by many other activities. People also discuss among them how this deadly disease can be avoided. Like AIDS, cancer is also a very dangerous disease. But still this kind of awareness is not put forward by Government or by any other organization. As per the scientists’ view it is very important to increase awareness among people, specially in youth society about precaution to prevent cancer.
According to the survey, oral cancer is most frequent and mainly it can be found among young people. Oncologists have said that they came to know that oral cancer is affecting for some major reasons. Firstly, for cigarette smoking or chewing tobacco is one of the major causes of oral cancer. Smoking or chewing tobacco is causing gum disease, tooth decay, oral tumours and these are leading to cancer. Secondly, the oral sex is also a cause of oral cancer. A virus spread during oral sex is the main cause of throat cancer in people under 50.Scientists says that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) spread during unprotected sex. This virus spread by oral sex may cause more cases of throat cancer in men and women than smoking. This HPV really spread if a person performs oral sex with numerous partners. Now days many young boys and girls perform oral sex frequently and they are unknown about HPV and for the same the percentage of oral cancer is increasing. For women, unprotected sex may lead to cervical cancer also.
Briefly it can be say that everyday percentage of pollutants is increasing in our environment, due to exhausts of vehicles, factories and for many other sources. These pollutants are included with many harmful chemicals which cause brain cancer, lung cancer, blood cancer and many other types of cancer. But, there are number of ways to prevent cancer or can be say there are many weapons to fight against cancer. Here, few preventive measures are given below-
1) Avoid Smoking And Chewing Tobacco-
 Smoking cigarette and chewing tobacco is the most significant cancer risk factor that we can reduce. It is not only responsible for oral cancer but many other cancers like brain cancer, lung cancer, cancer at digestive tract, liver, pancreas cancer. One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to quit smoking or chewing tobacco or never start. Avoiding second hand-smoking is also a way to prevent cancer.
2) Practice Sun Safety-
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer among men and women and it accounts for about half of all cancer diagnoses. The best thing is it can be avoid. Avoid UV-ray (ultra-violet ray) exposure. We can do this by using sunscreen lotion, avoiding mid-day sun, wearing protective clothing when outdoors and staying away from tanning beds.
3) Eat Fruits And Vegetables-
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables greatly reduces the risk of developing cancer and many other conditions. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which help to repair our damaged cells.
4) Limit Red Meat, Animal Fat And Wine-
Red meat animal fat and wine increase the risk for several types of cancer, particularly colon cancer. Red meat contains much more fat than poultry and fish. Mushroom can be a good substitute of red meat, which contains no fat, reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases, also it has delicious taste like red meat. Huge amount of wine can lead to liver cancer and other types of cancer.
5) Try To Avoid Plastic Container Of Food And Drink-
Now days plastic is use to prepare food and drink containers. The manufacturing companies of those foods and drinks mention on the container to throw it after consumption of the food or the drink. But people use those containers in their kitchen to keep food items and drinks for a long time. This may be a cause of cancer, as the containers made by some product react with the item keeping in the bottle. It can also be notice that the food stalls at road side use to sell cooked food in polythene carry bags, which is also harmful for our health.
6) Continuous Use Of Mobile Phone Can Cause Cancer-
It is nearly impossible for us to live in today’s world without mobile phone. To communicate it is an important electronic device. But number of people specially young boys and girls talk in their mobile phone for long hours. It may cause brain cancer for the network wave. If we use our land phone for talking purpose or SMS through our mobile phone or even if we use ear-phone whenever possible, then Cancer can be avoided.
World Cancer Report provides clear evidence that action on smoking, diet and infections can be prevented one third of cancers, another third can be cured. The report said that healthy lifestyles and public health action by governments and health practitioners could stem this trend, and prevent as many as one third of cancers worldwide.
If we are aware about cancer and follow the above mentioned points, then definitely we can reduce the risk of cancer to great extend. As we all know “Prevention is better than cure”. So, let’s fight against cancer, and win the battle.

 PL Note:
written by Sandip Maitra during management study. Article was already published in his college e-magazine




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